Player Contract & Code of Conduct

Player Contract

I, as a parent and player, acknowledge receipt of the Commitment Letter and agree to the BHC organizational statements below and payment schedule that are outlined within the general team information page. I also acknowledge, should I decide to leave or asked to leave BHC under any circumstances, that I will not be reimbursed for any funds (out of pocket or fundraised) that are in my account when I leave. Should any conflicts arise, BHC practices, games, tournaments, etc. are the first sports priority, and BHC will take precedent over all others.

If your payment schedule is not current, then you agree that your daughter’s playing will be impacted until your payment schedule is current.

I understand there are no guarantees that I will play the positions of my choice or specific individual positions and I agree to play where the coaches deem necessary for me to play, for the good of the team.

I commit to the entire schedule as presented by the Coaching Staff and will be in attendance at all scheduled practices, games and Team functions.

I accept the opportunity that is provided if I play for BHC and I am committed to attend all scheduled local and overnight travel tournaments.

Any player who leaves BHC for another team after being selected will have a mandatory probationary period, deem by the board and coaching staff for that particular age group, before being allowed to return to play for any BHC team in the future.

If I am unhappy with my impression of how my daughter is being utilized within the team make up, I am aware that I can discuss this openly with the Head Coach and Coaching staff, and if not satisfied with the results of that discussion, I can contract the President of the Organization or the Board of Directors for further discussion.


Players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators are to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect to other players, coaches, officials, parents, spectators and fans. In becoming a member of this organization, an individual assumes certain obligations and responsibilities to the organization and its participants. The essential elements in this Code of Conduct are HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these elements will bring credit to themselves, their team and their organization. It is only through such conduct that our organization can continue to earn and maintain a positive image and make its full contribution to our sport and community.

The following essential elements of the Code of Conduct must be followed:

  1. Sportsmanship and teaching the concepts of fair play are essential to the game and must be taught at all levels and developed both at home and on the field during practices and games.
  2. The value of good sportsmanship, the concepts of fair play, and the skills of the game should always be placed above winning.
  3. The safety and welfare of the players are of primary importance.
  4. Players should always demonstrate positive behavior and respect toward teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents and spectators.
  5. Coaches, players, parents and spectators are expected to demonstrate the utmost respect for officials and reinforce that respect to players/teammates.
  6. Grievances or misunderstandings between coaches, officials or any other parties involved with the organization should be communicated through the proper channels and procedures, never on or about the field of play in view of spectators or participants.
  7. Spectators involved with the game must never permit anyone to openly or maliciously criticize, badger, harass or threaten an official, coach, player or opponent.
  8. Eligibility requirements, at all levels of the game, must be followed. Rules and requirements such as age, previous level of participation, team transfers, etc, have been established to encourage and maximize participation, fair play and to promote safety.